Causes of Knee Discomfort & Management with Signal
Knee discomfort is unfortunately extremely common around the world. Although it can be frustrating, the good news is that it's treatable with the Signal Patch.
Diagnosing your situation is the first step. What does it feel like (aching, sharp, burning, etc.), where is it located (front of or behind the knee), when did it start (gradually or suddenly), and was there any recent trauma (blow to the knee, sports injury, etc.).
Understanding the precise cause of your discomfort can help you treat it correctly with the Signal Patch and get you back to your normal function.

The reason we're publishing this article is to bring awareness to certain types of knee injuries and how use of the Signal Relief patch can help treat them.
Common causes of knee discomfort include:
Knee Arthritis
The two most common types of arthritis in the knee are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis develops as a result of "wear and tear" of the cartilage in the knee and is more common in people over age 50. As cartilage deteriorates, discomfort starts, often slowly escalating from a sharp discomfort that worsens with knee movement to a constant dull, aching discomfort.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks multiple joints in the body. In addition to the discomfort, swelling, redness, and warmth can develop over the kneecap. Unlike osteoarthritis, discomfort in the joint from rheumatoid arthritis tends to improve with activity. Whichever type of arthritis you deal with, both can be painful and annoying.
Knee Ligament Injuries
There are four primary ligaments in your knee—two collateral ligaments and two cruciate ligaments. The collateral ligaments are found on the side of your knee and connect the bone in your thigh to your lower leg bone. Injury to the medial collateral ligament (MCL) often occurs from a direct blow to the outside of the knee, which causes discomfort on the inside. A blow to the inside of the knee may cause a lateral collateral ligament (LCL) injury, which causes discomfort on the outside, making it difficult to put weight on it.
The cruciate ligaments cross each other inside the knee joint, with one attaching to the shin bone in the front and the other attaching in the back. Anterior cruciate ligament injuries are the most common type of knee injury, often resulting from a direct hit or a sudden change in direction or speed when running. Usually, a popping sound is heard, along with the joint possibly giving out. Posterior cruciate ligament injuries are more rare but generally caused by a high-energy force to the knee. Other than soreness at the back of the knee, typical symptoms include knee swelling and instability.
Meniscus Injuries
There are two tough pieces of cartilage located between your thighbone and shinbone. Tearing of the meniscus is a common cause of knee discomfort and may occur in young people or older people. As cartilage weakens with age, it becomes more prone to tear. Someone with a meniscus tear may also hear a "pop" when the tear occurs. This is often followed by a gradual development of stiffness and swelling accompanied by clicking, locking, or catching.
Patellar Tendonitis
Patellar tendonitis is essentially inflammation of the patellar tendon. That's the large tendon that connects your kneecap to the top of your shinbone. Patellar tendonitis may be the most common in people who are active in sports or other activities that require frequent running and jumping. People with this condition often describe a constant dull discomfort that can intensify with activity or when putting weight on their joint.
There are cases where the patellar tendon weakens to the point of tearing. A patellar tendon tear causes severe discomfort, swelling, and a tearing or popping sensation. Depending on the degree of the tear, a person may notice an indentation at the bottom of the kneecap and experience difficulty walking.
Patellofemoral Syndrome
Patellofemoral syndrome is commonly found in adolescents and young adults. It's frequently caused by activities that put stress on the knee, like running, squatting, or climbing stairs. It can be manifested in a dull aching underneath the kneecap. In some cases the cartilage behind the kneecap has softened and begun to wear away. Abnormal alignment may also cause or contribute to this condition. This condition can worsen over time with activities that require frequent bending or sitting for long periods of time. Sometime a popping sound is heard when standing up from prolonged sitting.
Other Knee Injuries
There are many other causes of aching in your legs that are considerably less common. Those injuries include the following:
Dislocated Kneecap
Plica Syndrome
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Osteochondritis Dissecans
Joint Infection
Kneecap Fracture
Bone Tumor
Most of these injuries (probably all) are accompanied by some degree of discomfort. The Signal Patch does not heal these injuries, diseases, or conditions. Rather, it address the discomfort that accompanies them the offers some relief.
Discomfort Management with Signal Relief

Whether it’s you or someone else, we probably witness knee issues in someone every day. The Signal Relief patch aims to provide you or your loved one with relief. We truly understand that you might be skeptical. That’s why we make it so clear that there is no risk involved in at least trying the Signal Relief patch. Between our money-back guarantee, product warranty, and our simple belief in the product, we think it’s worth trying.
There is no specific type of leg or joint discomfort, no specific age range, and no specific injury that is needed to try the Signal Relief patch. Too often we see our kids sustain an injury in sports, our grandparents get older and slower, and even ourselves feel the effects of knee issues. We want that to end. Our goal is to provide relief to every body out there. We envision a world that is less reliant on prescription drugs to treat their aching.
Our lightweight and flexible patch is easily held in place with our adhesive, a simple band-aid, athletic wrap, or other lightweight self-adherent tapes. It is designed to be placed anywhere on your body and remain effective. The patch works quickly and accurately and can be reused for many months when cared for properly. It’s perfect for placing anywhere around the body.
How Signal Helps Knee Discomfort
No matter where in your joint issue is coming from, the discomfort you're feeling is the result of one simple process: a message being sent from the location of the discomfort to your brain.
The more intense the discomfort, the louder the message. For those suffering from any injury, this constant yelling can overwhelm you, reducing your focus and affecting your overall mood. In the simplest of terms, Signal Relief turns down the volume of this message, allowing your brain time to send help and refocus.
As soon as you place the patch near where you're hurting, it works to turn down the volume and clear up the static, improving communication between your brain and the discomfort. Many people feel their discomfort dimming – and even disappearing – in a short amount of time!
Signal Relief Technology is completely non-invasive. It adds zero drugs, zero electricity, zero anything into your body. It even works right through your clothes. We have seen it used on all sorts of conditions, from headaches to sore feet and everything in between. Why not give it a try to see if it will work for you?